IR/HR coordinator
IR/HR coordinator, г.Атырау
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Уровень зарплаты Город Требуемый опыт работы
г.Атырау Нет данных
Требуемые навыки:

IR/HR coordinator

•Record keeping of the company's workforce and structural units in summary forms of templates for primary documentation.
•Fulfillment of formalities in connection with the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor laws, decisions and orders of the Company's management, as well as documentation of labor relations (employment contracts, orders, additions).
•Coordination of all required training courses for Company’s employees.
•Participation in meetings on labor issues organized by the Customer.
•Close contact with the company's personnel at the sites in order to resolve disputes, complaints, requests, statements.
•Interaction with the Human Resources Department of the Head Office.
•Receiving (primary) and updating of personal files and sending them to the Head Office.
•Coordination of the document flow between Head Office in Atyrau and Tengiz
•Making of the related reports. Organization of drawing up and execution of schedules of annual leaves  development of measures to strengthen labor discipline, loss of working time, control of their implementation

Work pattern 
•Location: Tengiz, Kazakhstan
•Work schedule: 28/28

Вакансия размещена с целью ознакомления. 

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ТОО Qazproftec
ТОО Qazproftec
Дата обновления 26.11.2019

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