Бөлісу Сіздерде оқығым келеді
Мансап компасыма қосу
Ғылыми дәреже Магистратура
Оқу ұзақтығы 2жылғы
Оқу ақысы

The program includes preparation for CFA exams. CFA – Chartered financial analyst® The Master of Finance program at KIMEP University is committed to educating a future generation of competent and ethical investment professionals who are confident that their knowledge, skills, and abilities are at the highest level generally accepted and applied by the investment profession throughout the world. Financial professionals in Kazakhstan will have the opportunity to invest the wealth temporarily gained from the extraction of natural resources in a sustainable, ethical, and socially responsible manner to promote innovation and dynamic growth for future generations. Unique characteristics of the program The Master of Finance has an innovative and progressive curriculum that matches leading graduate-level Finance programs around the world. Preparation for CFA® examinations. the CFA professional qualification is the leading professional finance qualification in the world, which gives: qualification in the world – gives: International recognition Credibility and respect Competitive advantage Knowledge with a global perspective Global connections The majority of Western university programs which focus on preparing for the CFA exams offer preparations for Levels 1 and 2, but almost none offer support for Level 3. At KIMEP University, the Master of Finance program curriculum includes CFA preparation modules up to Level 3.

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АО «Университет КИМЭП»
АО «Университет КИМЭП»
Жаңарту күні 10.09.2018

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