Specialist Instrument & Control Engineering
Specialist Instrument & Control Engineering, г.Актау
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Specialist Instrument & Control Engineering

Requirements: Bachelor in Instrument / Electronics Engineering or equivalent, < 3 years relevant experience.

Responsibilities: to ensure availability and reliability of Instrument & Controls Systems, IT & Telecom Equipment, the position holder shall identify spares, consumables, materials, tools and other resources to maintain all instruments, IT & Telecom Equipment; coordinate, plan and implement Instrument related maintenance jobs and support services to other sections during Annual plant turnaround; optimize the inventory and maintain the critical spares available all the time; do scheduling / planning for daily and weekly maintenance jobs.

Вакансия размещена с целью ознакомления. 

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ТОО Qazproftec
ТОО Qazproftec
Update Date 22.11.2019



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What is the average salary of workers in your specialty?
50 000 KZT
from 50 000 KZT to 100 000 KZT
from 100 000 KZT to 150 000 KZT
from 150 000 KZT to 250 000 KZT
from 250 000 KZT and above