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A TV presenter

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A TV presenter conducts news, entertainment and sports programs, comments on competitions and matches, prepares materials used in the broadcast, keeps the conversation with guests in the studio on record or live, commenting on the subjects shown in the television program.

Professionally important employee qualities

Emotional-psychological stability, self-control, developed long-term and operational memory, high level of concentration, distribution and switching of attention, good eyesight and hearing, excellent diction, telegenic appearance.
Responsibility and accuracy, observation, hard work skills, self-organization, curiosity, independence, the ability to persuade, competent speech, the ability to work in a team, the ability to overcome fear of the camera.
Ability to synthesize knowledge from various fields of activity, analytical thinking, visual-figurative thinking.
The TV presenter should have deep and versatile knowledge, firstly, in philology, journalism, the language of the broadcasts, and secondly, in the ability to quickly comprehend and understand the context of the upcoming broadcast. The presenter’s competence includes creativity - the ability to generate new original ideas, initiative - the willingness to take on new tasks, implement new approaches to expanding the topic, developed intuition - the ability to anticipate the development of events, the discussion situation in the studio, this includes social adaptability - the ability to understand and to support positive changes in life and in the course of discussion, speech skills - stress resistance, sincerity and naturalness of self-expression. The richness of the verbal language - a system of words, expressions and rules for their combination in meaningful statements, and the language of non-verbal - intonation, facial expressions, gestures, poses.
The terms of the work of the presenter suggests the publicity of life, there may be obsessive fans. Often involves unpredictable, irregular working hours. The work takes place in a television studio, in conditions of strict regulation of the transmission time. TV presenter’s work.
The terms of the work of the presenter suggests the publicity of life, there may be obsessive fans. Often involves unpredictable, irregular working hours. The work takes place in a television studio, in conditions of strict regulation of the transmission time. TV presenter’s work.
Obvious deviations in health, especially those that affect the appearance and physical endurance, a tendency to colds, delays in intellectual development, speech defects, obvious defects in appearance.
The profession of TV presenter can be obtained by studying at a university in the speciality 5B050400 - Journalism.
The major subjects on the UNT-two creative exams.

Occupied segment of the labor market

TV presenter of television programs, presenter of the author’s program, director of programs, general director of the television company. The level of salary depends on the popularity of the presenter.
By the specifics of the profession, the TV presenter can participate in entrepreneurial activity in the structure of a private enterprise, and cannot engage in individual labor activity.
The profession of TV presenter is in demand on television channels, production centers.
Profession rating according to reviews: 0



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50 000 KZT
from 50 000 KZT to 100 000 KZT
from 100 000 KZT to 150 000 KZT
from 150 000 KZT to 250 000 KZT
from 250 000 KZT and above